Singing Telegram in SANFORD / Singing Telegram SANFORD Floridaf

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What Is A Singing Telegram?

Singing Telegrams are used to send a message to someone through song. I have performed them for corporate parties to surprise a boss or an employee on their birthday or for other special occasions. I have been booked to perform them in offices and stores, as well as restaurants, coffee houses and retail stores, as well as on someone's front porch. The locations vary, but the message is the same in every case. Someone is thinking about someone elseā€¦a co-worker, a boss, a client, a relative, a friend, a neighbor or a loved one.

Why Send A Singing Telegram?

By sending me to provide entertainment in the form of a song (or two) that likely will appeal to the recipient, it makes the message so much more special and appreciated. It will provide lasting memories long after the greeting card has been packed away.

What Makes It Special?

For me, a singing telegram is something that is carefully crafted and delivered to provide just the right message through just the right song. All songs on my Song List have been committed to memory so that I can direct my full attention to the recipient. Singing telegrams can turn your message into a very special memory. If you have someone to whom you want to say something they will long remember, and make it really special with a Singing Telegram.

How Long Do You Perform For? How Many Songs?

Although most singing telegrams generally involve one or two songs, I can arrange to provide entertainment for up to 30 minutes or more, depending upon the circumstances. This can work well with a party or other occasions.

How Much Equipment and Set-Up Is Involved?

The method of delivery will largely depend upon the location and circumstances. If someone is working, generally no more than one, possibly two songs, should be the rule. In this case, I use a small, hand-held amplifier, my IPod and a microphone. Since it uses batteries, no prior set-up is necessary, nor do I need to plug it in for electricity. This allows me to provide professional quality performances at someone's desk, at the counter where they work or on their front porch.

If this entertainment is planned for a party, I have several portable systems that can be set-up with minimal space and in less than 5 minutes, yet provide a quality performance for any size group.

Any Other Considerations?

Planning is important so that this special gift is well received. It is important to be certain that the recipient is completely comfortable and at ease. Also make sure that they will be at the location at the chosen time. Sometimes it helps to have another person aware of what is happening and willing to help with the event.

How About Flowers?

I can arrange to bring flower(s) with the singing telegram. In many cases, a single red, long-stemmed rose works well. In others, a bouquet of flowers will be very well received. In the case of the roses, sometimes a beautiful silk rose in your choice of color works well since it can become a keepsake.
Time permitting, if you send me a card that you have signed, I will be happy to deliver it in person. Otherwise, I can print something personal that you e-mail to me.

Singing Telegram in SANFORD / Singing Telegram SANFORD Floridaf